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Democrat John Hickenlooper took his mom to see Deep Throat

This is something you’d expect to hear from fake Latino Robert O’Rourke, but instead it’s Colorado Democrat communist scum John Hickenlooper. Apparently Hickenlooper took his mother to see a porno movie called Deep Throat. That should at least lock up the Stormy Daniels voter in the Democrat primary and caucus next year. These Democrats are such nut jobs is getting scary. Even Santa Clause was kind of put off by Lickapooper.

Democrat John Hickenlooper took his mom to see Deep Throat
Democrat John Hickenlooper took his mom to see Deep Throat

And remember, Hickenlooper is considered one of the Democrat’s “moderates.”

HICKENLOOPER: So I took my mother to see Deep Throat. And to her credit, the first scene is — I didn’t ask the question. But I will tell you that — I will tell you that my mother — my mother was — I’m sure she was mortified. And I said repeatedly, I think we should leave, I think we should go. And my mother was the kind of person that rarely went to a movie. She thought almost every movie would get on TV. Obviously, not this one. But she was — she really — when she paid, she was going to stay. And at the end, she knew that I was humiliated. And as we drove home — and you know how the dashboard in the old cars had the kind of green light, and I — you know, she — I asked her, I said, well, that was some experience. And she goes, she says, “Well, I thought the lighting was very good in the movie.”