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Judge Jeanine returns with opening statement WATCH VIDEO

No matter how much the Fox News backstabbers Bret Baier and Shepard Smith tried to get Judge Jeanine off the air, they’re failure is complete after two weeks. Judge Jeanine returned tonight, hammering the corrupt Democrats and their coup attempt with Robert Mueller. Thankfully, Judge Jeanine did not apologize for what Fox News backstabbed her with over telling the truth about rabid anti-Semite Ilhan Omar. It’s as if she didn’t miss the last two weeks and teed off on the Democrats. Just the way I like it.

Judge Jeanine returns with opening statement
Judge Jeanine returns with opening statement

Not only did backstabbers Bret Baier and Shepard Smith lose, so did Fox News for suspending her in the first place. A lot of their loyal viewers are switching over to OANN who doesn’t pander to Democrats. CAIR is the biggest loser as they put everything they could into getting Judge Jeanine off the air. They, and the rest of the terrorist sympathizers lose, so that’s a good thing.

Fox better learn a valuable lesson from this whole charcade of suspending Judge Jeanine for two weeks. If they keep pandering to Democrats and CAIR their viewership will disappear and their sponsors will be boycotted.

Remember that Murdoch bastard sons. Your left wing wives can not control our programming anymore. Try it again and we will bleed your sponsors dry with boycotts.