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Ilhan Omar pushes for release Hoda Abdelmonem – jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader

Democrats are not only the party of anti-Semites, but they are also the party of terrorists and terrorist “rights.” So it should be of no surprise that Ilhan Omar, the anti-Semitic Democrat from Minnesota is calling for the release of jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader Hoda Abdelmonem in Egypt. As long as Trump is in office, you don’t have to worry about him caving to terrorist sympathizer Ilhan Omar. He wouldn’t release Hoda Abdelmonem. But when a Democrat is ever elected again (god help us), you can bet your ass Hoda Abdelmonem will be released if Egypt is pressed.

Ilhan Omar pushes for release Hoda Abdelmonem – jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader
Ilhan Omar pushes for release Hoda Abdelmonem - jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader

Abdelmonem remains an influential figure and a senior leader in the Islamist outfit, and the campaign for her release has been a top priority item for Muslim Brotherhood-aligned individuals, groups, and governments. Muslim Brotherhood-tied media networks such as Middle East Eye, Middle East Monitor, and Al Jazeera have dedicated nonstop coverage to this issue, often falsely portraying the Islamist activist as a human rights advocate. Muslim Brotherhood-tied campaigners in the U.S. have continued a full-court press for Abdelmonem’s release.

Additionally, these same entities all remain fiercely opposed to the rule of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who in 2013 ousted Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated former president in Cairo. So convincing the president to call for the release of their Islamist ally would arguably chip away at el-Sisi’s legitimacy.