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Touchy Joe Biden triggered by Trump tweet

It’s all too ironic that Joe Biden is feeling “touchy” these days. Apparently he’s mad that Trump sorta kinda mocked him in a tweet. Whining about Trump being “presidential and all is coming from Mr. Baby Crotch grabber himself. This is of course the same idiot Biden who after Obamacare passed bragged about it with a profanity. THis is of course the same Biden who said nothing about how “presidential” Obama was during his various scandals like fast and furious or going golfing two minutes after announcing the beheading of an American by ISIS.

Touchy Joe Biden triggered by Trump tweet
Touchy Joe Biden triggered by Trump tweet

Hey Biden. You’d better concern yourself more with more woman coming out and accusing you of stuff. Oh and lets not forget all that corruption between you, your son Hunter, China and Ukraine. And keep your hands to yourself.