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Democrat Chris Coons bashes Biden accusers

Known as the beard Marxist during his college days, Chris Coons, the Democrat who replaced dumb Joe Biden in the Senate is bashing the women making accusations of inappropriate touching by the pedophile ex vice president. The “believe all women” game is over for Democrats as Coons is now claiming that the nine women who so far have accused creepy Joe Biden of groping them are only doing so because they support someone other than Biden for the 2020 Democrat nomination. Imagine the hell that would rain down on any Republican who would have made a similar statement. But since Coons is a far left socialist-communist Democrat, it’s all cool. I guess Coons had no problem when Creepy Joe Biden made a pass at his own daughter. What a scum.

Democrat Chris Coons bashes Biden accusers

Sen. Christopher Coons (D-DE) thinks women are speaking out about former Vice President Joe Biden’s behavior “because they support other candidates.”
In an interview with CNN on Monday, Coons downplayed the importance of women’s testimonies about Biden’s inappropriate touching. “There are folks who, I think, are coming forward and standing up about this because they support other candidates,” he said, but acknowledged that there may also be “folks who, I think, are coming forward out of a genuine sense of feeling disrespected or unappreciated.”

He even suggested the best way to discern the validity of those reports is by how Biden performs during his campaign — a 2020 run that Biden himself has yet to confirm. “At the end of the day, the best way to measure this is to see how former Vice President Biden does on the campaign trail,” he said.