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Operation: Schumer’s Doorstep set for May 19th (get Ilhan Omar off committee)

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is one of the biggest loudmouths in the Senate. Yet when it comes to anti-Semite Ilhan Omar and her disgusting anti-Semitism and cracks about 9/11, the usually vocal Schumer doesn’t say a word. Now there’s a protest targeting Schumer set for May 19th called “Operation: Schumer’s Doorstep.” This protest will target Schumer and tell him to force Nancy Pelosi to kick the anti-Semitic Omar off the the Foreign Affairs Committee. The rally is set to be outside Schumer’s building in Brooklyn.

Operation: Schumer’s Doorstep set for May 19th (get Ilhan Omar off committee)
Operation: Schumer’s Doorstep set for May 19th (get Ilhan Omar off committee)

A group called The Coalition to Get Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee is holding a rally on May 19 titled “Operation: Schumer’s Doorstep.”

The group states: “The Coalition seeks to mobilize Americans of all political, ethnic and religious backgrounds who are concerned about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s continuing presence on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The Coalition’s first goal is to enlist (through all reasonable means of persuasion granted by the Constitution) Senator Schumer in the cause. The event will be part peaceful protest, prayer vigil, and press conference.”

The rally will be held outside Schumer’s building by Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

The group counsels, “We’d like people of faith to lead a prayer calling for Schumer to gain the courage of his convictions so that from this moment on, the senator will fight with every fiber of his being to drive Omar off the committee. We pray for him to become the Shomer he has always said he is.”