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anti-Semite Ilhan Omar wants more gun control

Apparently unaware that the STEM school in Colorado that was shot up by two left wing extremists yesterday was a “gun free zone”, Ilhan Omar took time off bashing Jews and this country to whine for more gun control. In yet another tepid tweet, she complains that she’s “heartbroken” over the STEM school shooting. Whenever Omar wants to try and capitalize on something political, she always tweets how she is “heartbroken” about something. Never mind the fact that STEM was a gun free zone and the two drugged out left wing kids ignored the “gun free zone” law in the first place, this is what Omar is whining about tonight:

anti-Semite Ilhan Omar wants more gun control
anti-Semite Ilhan Omar wants more gun control

And what exactly is Omar “heartbroken about”? She doesn’t even mention Kendrick Castillo who sacrificed his own life to save other students by trying to tackle the drugged out 18 year old pond scum Devin Erickson (who hates Christians and Trump). I’m heartbroken that Castillo, just three days away from graduation was a causality of left wing extremist violence who ignored the gun free zone. IT’s still not clear what Ilhan Omar is “heartbroken” over.