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Alfred E. Neuman Buttigieg: Trump was using ‘white identity politics’ to drive apart Americans

You can almost hear the Spy Vs. Spy theme song from Mad Magazine playing in the background anytime Alfred E. Neuman Buttigieg opens his mouth. Now he’s accusing Trump of using white identity politics to cause a “crisis of belonging” or something. This coming from the 37 year old white guy who no one heard of outside of South Bend, Indiana before his campaign for president.

I suddenly have an urge to play Spy Vs. Spy on my Commodore 64 emulator (yes I still have the original 5.25 floppy disk of the game).

Alfred E. Neuman Buttigieg: Trump was using ‘white identity politics’ to drive apart Americans
Alfred E. Neuman Buttigieg: Trump was using 'white identity politics' to drive apart Americans

Buttigieg said, “I’d like to comment on one of the buzz words of our time, so-called identity politics. No one knows quite what to make of it today.”

He continued, “Many of the objections come from the right which is ironic at this time because the current administration has mastered the practice of the most divisive form of such politics, peak white identity politics designed to drive apart people with common interests.”

Buttigieg said, “Being gay just like every other fact about me, from where I grew up to what I look like means I have a story. If I look to that story, I can find the building blocks not only for empathy but for impetus to action. The more you know about exclusion, the more you think about belonging, and we have a crisis of belonging in this country.”