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A sex strike among feminists is like a kale shortage at the local vegan restaurant – Matt Walsh

So Alyssa Milano is calling on all “feminist” aka left wing ugly women to go on a sex strike all in the name of abortion and birth control. Of course, there aren’t exactly men lining up to have sex with feminist women in the first place which makes this so called “sex strike” all that more laughable. But Matt Walsh of Daily Wire has won the internet for this quote in his own story of about the left wing “sex strike.” On the brighter side, if all of the liberal feminists abstain from sex, the rate for sexually transmitted disease will go down!

A sex strike among feminists is like a kale shortage at the local vegan restaurant – Matt Walsh
A sex strike among feminists is like a kale shortage at the local vegan restaurant - Matt Walsh

A sex strike among feminists is, to us, like a kale shortage at the local vegan restaurant.

Now why the hell didn’t I think of that. That Matt Walsh quote is so damn perfect.

In any case, though I take issue with the way this abstinence pledge is framed, I fully support the pledge itself. For one thing, it’s no skin off my nose. My wife, praise God, is not a feminist. As a general rule, conservative men are not looking to date or marry hectoring feminists scolds. As we are choosing from an entirely different pool of potential mates, a sex boycott among the precise sorts of women we are determined to avoid does not cause us any real pain. A sex strike among feminists is, to us, like a kale shortage at the local vegan restaurant. Ironically, only the pro-abortion men, who have already sacrificed their man cards and their souls in submission to their feminist overlords, are being punished here. And it’s a punishment they well deserve, even if it wasn’t intended for them.

More to the point, Milano is finally conceding to an argument we’ve been making for decades. She says that women should avoid sex because they “cannot risk pregnancy,” thus admitting two crucial points: 1) Sex is a procreative act. 2) If you aren’t in an ideal position to procreate, you shouldn’t engage in said procreative act. Put another way: sex makes babies. Don’t want baby? Don’t have sex. It shouldn’t have taken feminists 60 years to have this epiphany, but better late than never.

It seems we now agree. The best way to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is to avoid sex. There are other methods, but none as effective, simple, and cheap as the newly feminist-endorsed method of abstinence. The advantage of saving sex for marriage is that marriage creates the ideal context for conceiving human life — whether or not the conception is intended. Indeed, married couples conceive unintentionally all the time, yet almost all of the women who get abortions are single. Why is that? Because a married couple is automatically going to be far more prepared to welcome a new baby into the world than an unmarried person. So, wait for marriage to have sex and you won’t have to worry about the abortion laws. It’s a simple strategy, really. I’m thrilled that Alyssa Milano and her friends are starting to see the wisdom in it.