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RINO Justin Amash says Trump should be impeached because Mueller Report

Since RINO Justin Amash was first elected to Congress in 2010 I never could stand the guy. At times he tried to be a clone of Ron Paul. At other times he was more of a Democrat than anything else. Now, Amash wants to impeach Trump because of the Mueller Report, obviously sucking up to Democrats to get into leadership positions. Amash goes a long, rambling Twitter whinefest about why Trump should be impeached. Dude is basically incoherent. Next watch for Justin Amash to switch his party to Democrat. Between Amash and Rashida Tlaib (two Jew hating radicals), Michigan has really screwed the country. Also expect Amash to appear on all Sunday “news” shows tomorrow that would otherwise ignore him.

RINO Justin Amash says Trump should be impeached because Mueller Report
RINO Justin Amash says Trump should be impeached because Mueller Report