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Fox News hack Bret Baier: This was not – no collusion, no obstruction

Seems the Bush family hacks like Bret Baier and Andrew Napolitano just can’t seem to help themselves. Baier, sounding a lot like a Jake Tapper type CNN hack concluded on air today that somehow, despite what the Mueller report says, that:

Fox News hack Bret Baier: This was not – no collusion, no obstruction
Fox News hack Bret Baier: This was not – no collusion, no obstruction

This was not – as the president says time and time again – no collusion, no obstruction

Uh, little Hoody Doody Bret Baier, yes it was. The report states very clearly that the Mueller and Hillary Clinton goons could not establish any sort of collusion between Trump and the Russians. Also, Mueller could have recommended that congress charged Trump with obstruction crimes if they had actual evidence that he somehow did. Firing an idiot like James Comey doesn’t count as obstruction. Mueller, being the coward that he is didn’t recommend any criminal charges either, but also wrote he didn’t exorante Trump here. Someone might want to educate the Bush hacks like Baier at Fox News that just because Mueller gaslighted the media today doesn’t mean he had to take the bait and run with it.

I supposed we should thank Mueller for exposing Fox News for the hacks they really are. Bret Baier and his “straight news” are nothing more than establishment Bush family lickers who bash Trump any chance they get like CNN or MSNBC. Throw in other Bush hacks like Napolitano, Dana Perino, etc and you’ve got a toxic combo.