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Mexican president López Obrador: America has no right to it’s own sovereignty

I knew the left wing communist president of Mexico would react like this. Once Trump slapped the 5% tariffs on Mexico for failing to do their part to control the flow of illegals through their country into America, the Mexican president is mad and says that America has no right it’s own sovereignty. López Obrador also claims that the US is an anti-immigrant country despite our laws for immigration being much lighter on the immigrant than what Mexico actually has. Basically the communist president of Mexico is telling Americans, fuck you and your sovereignty!

Mexican president López Obrador: America has no right to it’s own sovereignty
Mexican president López Obrador: America has no right to it's own sovereignty

In a pointed letter released Thursday, López Obrador lashed out at Trump for what he described as the U.S. president’s “turning the United States, overnight, from a country of brotherly love for immigrants from around the world, to a bolted space, where there’s stigmatizing, mistreatment, abuse, persecution, and a denial of the right to justice to those who seek — with sacrifice and hard work — to live free from misery.”

López Obrador said that “social problems are not solved with duties or coercive measures,” and alluded to the United States’ history as a nation of immigrants: “The Statue of Liberty is not an empty symbol.”

Can you believe the arrogance of this communist?

However, in a sign of weakness, López Obrador is sending his foreign relations secretary to try and come up with a “peaceful” solution to the new tariffs that begin on Mexico June 10th:

López Obrador said in the letter that his foreign relations secretary was leading a delegation to Washington D.C. to speak with Trump administration officials in order to seek a peaceful and negotiated solution to Trump’s threat to impose stiff tariffs on goods from Mexico if the country doesn’t do more to slow irregular migration.