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Obama bashes America in Brazil again: United States was founded on inequality

I used to think Hussein Obama was just an anti-American slime who got elected as the biggest fraud in American history. Once again Obama decided to bash America in another country, this time Brazil claiming the United States was founded on inequality. Obama said this in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Wednesday:

Obama bashes America in Brazil again: United States was founded on inequality
Obama bashes America in Brazil again: United States was founded on inequality

You know Brazil just thinks the United States was founded on inequality and we have to admit that even though the United States has a Constitution that says, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,’ At that time not only were blacks excluded, but women were excluded, and people who didn’t own property were excluded.

While Obama is pure anti-American scum, you can’t limit it to just Obama. This is the entire Democrat party talking point now. Everyone from Joe Biden to the bottom dwellers like Eric Swallow-Well basically say the exact same crap about this country that Obama said in Brazil. I guess Obama was sort of a pioneer in the anti-American communist Democrat party.

I just don’t understand communist Democrats anymore. They hate this country so much that all they do is trash it, yet they never leave. Must be the generous welfare benefits that a lot of Democrat voters leech off.