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These are the twelve victims killed in Virginia Beach

The death toll of the Virginia Beach mass shoot rose to 12 over night after what’s been described by the media as a “disgruntled employee” went on a shooting spree in and killed twelve people indiscriminately. More often than not, and this shooting is no exception, the media usually ignores the actual victims and insteads goes on ranting about politics, how this is Trump and the NRA’s fault and how we need more gun control. This is a different type of shooting though. Since the shooter isn’t white and didn’t have a “MAGA” hat, the media hasn’t gone into too many details about the shooter and his life. These are the victims of the so called “work place violence”:

These are the twelve victims killed in Virginia Beach
These are the twelve victims killed in Virginia Beach

Laquita C. Brown from Chesapeake, who worked for over four years as Right-of-Way Agent.
Mary Louise Gayle, a resident of Virginia Beach, served as a Right-of-Way agent for over 24 years.
Alexander Mikhail Gusev, also from Virginia Beach, shared the same title as Mary Louise Gayle for 9 years.
Tara Welch Gallagher, from Virginia Beach, worked as an engineer for six years.
Christopher Kelly Rapp had only been with the Public Works for 11 months and was an engineer.
Katherine A Nixon was an engineer for 10 years.
Richard H. Nettleton, an engineer for 28 years.
Ryan Keith Cox was as an account clerk for almost 13 years.
Joshua A Hardy, also with Public Utilities, served as an engineering technician for over four years.
Michelle “Missy” Langer was an administrative assistant with the Public Utilities division for 12 years.
Robert “Bobby” Williams who worked as a Public Utilities Special Projects Coordinator for 41 years.
Herbert Snelling, a contractor from Virginia Beach.