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60% of voters find Democrat presidential candidates ‘Underwhelming’

What a group of losers. It seems Americans aren’t impressed with the clown car of Democrat candidates, staring Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Pete Alfred E. Neuman Buttigieg. A whopping 60% of those polled find the 20+ communist/socialist candidates running for Democrats as underwhelming.

60% of voters find Democrat presidential candidates ‘Underwhelming’
60% of voters find Democrat presidential candidates 'Underwhelming'

The poll, conducted online within the United States from May 29-30, 2019 among 1,295 registered voters, found that just 40% of American voters find the Democratic options so far to be “impressive” when asked, “Do you find the current field of Democratic party candidates for president to be impressive or underwhelming?” 60% of participants answered “underwhelming” during this survey.

As for who among potential Democratic and Independent politicians voters believe could defeat incumbent President Donald J. Trump, 35% answered former Vice President Joe Biden has the “best chance.” The choices offered in this question also included potential candidates like Hillary Clinton. The former party nominee and 2016 election loser polled at just 4%. Still, Clinton performed better than Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) who each earned 3% as the “best chance” to defeat President Trump in 2020. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came in at second place on this question with 11% of voters believing that the Democratic Socialist was the top choice who could most likely prevent a re-election of the current Republican commander-in-chief.