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Comey draft e-mail exonerating Hillary Clinton went out two months before her FBI interview

The media has been awfully quiet about the death of Hillary Clinton’s corrupt brother Tony the other day. I wonder if he had anything to do with the exoneration of his sister. Turns out Comey the Clown sent out a draft e-mail exonerating Clinton two months prior to her phony FBI interview and even a month before the BIll Clinton-Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting in Arizona. It’s good to have the law in your back pocket like the Clinton Crime Family. If Bill Barr and John Durham really do something about all the corrupt leading up to the phony Russia witch hunt, then Comey better be frog marched off to jail.

Comey draft e-mail exonerating Hillary Clinton went out two months before her FBI interview
Comey draft e-mail exonerating Hillary Clinton went out two months before her FBI interview

“This is the only time I am aware of, sir.” “I have not seen that before, sir.” “I’ve never seen that.”
These are just some of the words utilized by former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe when asked during closed door testimony about an email penned by disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey circulating a draft statement exonerating Hillary Clinton in the private email server case a full two months before the FBI interviewed Clinton and other witnesses in the criminal probe.

Documents previously released by the FBI show that Comey on May 2, 2016 sent the email in question to McCabe, FBI general counsel James Baker and chief of staff and senior counselor James Rybicki. Clinton was interviewed by the FBI on June 2, with Comey later testifying that she was not sworn in and that the interview was not recorded.

Two months before Clinton’s FBI interview, Comey circulated the draft statement testing language to be used for not recommending charges against Clinton.

Former Rep. Bob Goodlatte, who served as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee at the time of McCabe’s December 21, 2017 testimony, read aloud Comey’s email. A transcript of the testimony was released three weeks ago by House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins, R-Ga, although the portion in question did not receive media attention.