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John Cusack – another Hollywood D-lister deletes anti-Semitic retweet

Another Hollywood hack, John Cusack has revealed what the Democrat party has become. A bunch of Nazi, anti-Semites who hate the Jewish people and Israel as much as they hate Trump. Cusack is a washed up Hollywood d-list actor who was popular in the 1980’s and early 90’s. Since the turn of the century, I can’t remember what, if any movies this hack has been in. This is what Cusack retweeted last night then deleted, blaming a “bot” for getting him to retweet this anti-Semitic filth.

John Cusack – another Hollywood D-lister deletes anti-Semtic retweet
John Cusack - another Hollywood D-lister deletes anti-Semitic retweet

Sound familiar? Seems a lot like the Ilhan Omar “All about the Benjamins” tweet a few weeks ago doesn’t it. It seems these slimy left wing anti-Semitic Nazis all think and sounds a like.