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Democrat 2020 party platform: Free stuff, abolish private insurance, higher taxes and unlimited illegals

So after the first 2020 Democrat clown show debates, we finally know the Democrat party platform. It’s not to hard to figure out unless you are dumb enough to vote for one of these clowns. Basically, the Democrat party is now the Cuba Castro party. Socialism, no private health care, gun confiscation, higher taxes on everyone and of course an unlimited flow of illegal aliens because they will take priority over Americans. In fact, illegal aliens wouldn’t even be considered illegal anymore under the socialist Democrat party as Democrats would open the borders to everyone an decriminalize illegal border crossing.

Democrat 2020 party platform: Free stuff, abolish private insurance, higher taxes and unlimited illegals
Democrat 2020 party platform: Free stuff, abolish private insurance, higher taxes and unlimited illegals

Remember when Obama was thought to be too far left? Compared to this crop of socialist clowns, Obama would be considered a blue dog Democrat. It used to be just crazy Bernie Sanders who sounded like this but no more. The entire Democrat party, include the 20+ clowns running for the Democrat nominations are now to the left of Bernie Sanders from 2016.

Oh and in case you missed it last night, not only are socialist Democrats for open borders and decriminalizing illegal aliens, they also want to give every illegal alien in this country, no matter if they are MS 13 gangbangers, murders or child molestors, free health care. Guess who gets to pay for free illegal alien health care? YOU DO! Imagine, paying for the health care of a terrorist, murder or child molestor who shouldn’t even be in this country in the first place!

The sad thing about this is between the indoctrination of young people in schools and colleges and television, one of these socialist clowns might actually have a chance in 2020. Add in the 20+ million illegal aliens in this country (some of whom manage to vote) defeating the socialist crazy Democrats is not a given. Oh, and don’t forget the Democrat election fraud either. You saw what it did in 2018.