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Crazy ass Ocasio-Cortez screamed at federal law enforcement agents in a threatening manner

Seems crazy ass Ocasio-Cortez and other open borders Democrats decided to take a trip down to an ICE detention center in El Paso today. It also sounds as if it didn’t go so good. According to of the Anna Giaritelli of the Washington Examiner, Ocasio-Cortez screamed at federal law enforcement agents in a threatening manner. Now you see why AntiFA are such violet thugs. This is their candidate.

Crazy ass Ocasio-Cortez screamed at federal law enforcement agents in a threatening manner
Crazy ass Ocasio-Cortez screamed at federal law enforcement agents in a threatening manner

Ocasio-Cortez also refused to tour the facility in El Paso, according to two people who witnessed it. Then why the hell did AOC go in the first place? To invent lies about the detention center? To call them concentration camps again?

It’s pretty obvious what crazy ass AOC is trying to do here. She’s gaslighting AntiFA and other left wing thugs to start more violence and even riots. The media will never call her crazy ass out either and she knows it.