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New York Times: Stop calling America Great!

Well at least The New York Times fish wrap isn’t hiding their true feelings anymore. Just like Obama, Andrew Cuomo and several other socialist Democrats, the New York Times hates America. In fact, they hate America so much that they made a video “op-ed” to bash the country and anyone who thinks this is a great country. The New York Times and leftists who hate this country so much as they say all the time really should move somewhere that they think is great. They should move to Cuba, Venezuela, Iran or any of the third world Latin-American countries and see how “great” those places are.

New York Times: Stop calling America Great!
New York Times: Stop calling America Great!

Crap like this used to get my blood pressure up and really piss me off. But since it’s so common now among the left and the media, all I can really do is just sigh and wish these crap weasels would show us just how much they hate this country by actually leaving it.