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John Blum, suffered a bloodied face after he was beaten with a crowbar by Portland AntiFA

And now there were three. John Blum, like Andy Ngo and Adam Kelly were viciously attacked by left wing terrorist group AntiFA. Like Kelly, John Blum was beaten with a crowbar and suffered a bloodied face. Unlike Ngo and Kelly though, Blum is much older than the other two, probably in his 60s or 70s and is being described as an “elderly man.” Way to go AntiFA terrorists. As Andy Ngo finally gets some media attention from Fox News (he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson last night), Adam Kelly and John Blum remain ignored by the corrupt media.

John Blum, suffered a bloodied face after he was beaten with a crowbar by Portland AntiFA
John Blum, suffered a bloodied face after he was beaten with a crowbar by Portland AntiFA

As usual, the Portland police stood around and did nothing while Mr. Blum was being beaten with a crowbar. This is a direct result of the Portland AntiFA supporting mayor Ted Wheeler. I hope Mr. Ngo, Kelly and Blum all sue the hell out of the city of Portland.