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Underage girls on Epstein’s plane when Clinton flew on it

Pedophile Bill Clinton was on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane at least 27 times, all the time claiming he knew nothing of Epstein’s fetishes for fourteen year old girls. Clinton released a panicked statement the other night trying to deny he knew anything about Epstein. Only problem is underaged girls were on Epsteins plane during most of those at least 27 flights Bill Clinton took on them. Explain that Pedo BIll:

Underage girls on Epstein’s plane when Clinton flew on it
Underage girls on Epstein’s plane when Clinton flew on it

Investigative journalist Conchita Sarnoff told Fox News’ Shannon Bream on Monday night that there were “underage girls” on accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s plane when former President Bill Clinton traveled on it — at times without his Secret Service detail.

Fox News’ Lukas Mikelionis reports that Sarnoff is the executive director of Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and is the author of the book “TrafficKing: The Jeffrey Epstein Case.” The Fox News segment followed the recent developments in the Epstein case that have occured after the financier was arrested on Saturday on child sex trafficking charges.