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Ocasio-Cortez: Drunk Pelosi wants me to get death threats!

Who knew that after 30 years in the congress, from San Francisco of all places, Nancy Pelosi was a white supremacist or something. Not only is drunk ass Pelosi a racist against the new “progressive” members of congress, she also wants to new women of color like Ocasio-Cortez to get death threats too! Yes, Ocasio-Cortez actually told a CNN hack that Pelosi wants her to get death threats. Wow.

Ocasio-Cortez: Drunk Pelosi wants me to get death threats!
Ocasio-Cortez: Drunk Pelosi wants me to get death threats!

Ocasio-Cortez is such an embarrassment. But the great thing is she’s exposing the socialist Nazi Democrats for what they really are. A bunch of socialist thugs who hate this country and think everything is racist. Nancy Pelosi deserves all the grief she’s getting from these morons in her party. She’s just as filthy and corrupt and country hating as Ocasio-Cortez.