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Democrats call everyone racist, including each other

Democrats seem to have a fetish for calling everyone else a racist in their identity politics game. It used to be limited to only Republicans, and especially “Orange Man Bad.” But even that’s all changed. While Democrat foment faux outrage over Trump “go back” tweet, let’s not forget that Democrats are calling each other racists now. AOC for example last week called botox drunk Nancy Pelosi basically a racist. How long until Chuck SChumer is deemed a white supremacist? Of course let us never forget that the Democrats are and will always be the party of the KKK.

Democrats call everyone racist, including each other
Democrats call everyone racist, including each other

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids enforcing lawful court orders are racist. Enforcing immigration law is racist. Criticizing fellow Democrats is racist. President Donald Trump is racist. The only thing Democrats won’t call racist is their race-baiting politics. It’d be hilarious if it weren’t so deranged and damaging to the country. We discuss it all.

Protests against ICE included an attempted attack by a man who tried to set fire to a holding facility. He was killed by police before he could succeed, and CNN and the New York Times failed to mention the attacker was a member of Antifa. We explore this curious omission.

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar declares she, as an immigrant, is more patriotic than people who were born Americans. Then she said she’s “ashamed” of the country. We offer up a thought experiment about how your significant other would respond to being told you love them, but you’re ashamed of them. How do you think that’d go over?