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Ilhan Omar doesn’t deny she supports Al Qaeda and communism

During that sham press conference today, Ilhan Omar was asked if it’s true what Trump says about her supporting Al Qaeda and communism. Given a perfect oppurtunity to blow that theory up, not only did Ilhan Omar refuse to deny she supports the terror group and communism, but she made matters worse for herself and her party by dancing around the question with “I will not dignify that with an answer.” Bad move Ilhan Omar. Now everyone knows you support Al Qaeda and communism. Of course, she’s not the only one. All Democrats these days basically do too.

Ilhan Omar doesn’t deny she supports Al Qaeda and communism
Ilhan Omar doesn't deny she supports Al Qaeda and communism

The Squad has fallen into Trump’s trap like rats taking the cheese. Trump wanted to exposed these communists and terrorist sympathizers for who they are and it looks like he finally did it. They’ve been well hidden and protected by the media up until today. Now, they are basically the face of the communist Democrat party.