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Ayanna Pressley of #TheSquad is a bigot!

Ayanna Pressley another member of “The Squad” showed just how bigoted she is as well. It’s not limited to the other three dullards like AOC, Omar and Tlaib. During her Nutroots Nation speech, Pressley declared the following:

Ayanna Pressley of #TheSquad is a bigot!
Ayanna Pressley of #TheSquad is a bigot!

“We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice.”

Sounds pretty damn bigoted to me. They only want certain brown faces, certain black faces, certain Muslims and certain queers, not all. That’s not very inclusive now is it. Of course, the media doesn’t touch Ayanna Pressley’s obvious bigotry.

I guess it’s not really a surprise. Pressley reps Boston, one of the most racist cities in America.

Someone who is not well acquainted with liberal-speak may be more confused than horrified by these comments. What is a brown voice? What is a black voice? Do voices have colors? What she means is that a brown or black person should have opinions that are properly representative of their racial communities. And what she means by properly representative of their racial communities is that their opinions should be resoundingly liberal. Put more simply, Pressley is telling brown, black, Muslim, and gay people to keep their traps shut if they aren’t going to conform to her ideological expectations. “You’re not needed,” she emphasizes.

Leftists like Pressley feel perfectly entitled to issue directives of this sort, authoritatively instructing the plebes as to what they may and may not say and think based on the demographic and identity groups to which they belong. Her talk of “brown voices” is telling. She doesn’t see brown, black, Muslim, and “queer” people as distinct individuals with their own opinions and perspectives. Rather, she, like any modern leftist, sees racial and ethnic groups as monoliths — and every member is a mindless, faceless “representative” of that whole. And the whole, Pressley has decided, must vote Democrat, support things like affirmative action, universal health care, and abortion, and affirm every last leftist doctrine without exception. Any member who falls outside of the box Pressley and her ilk have created is anathema. At best, useless. At worst, a heretic who should be burned at the stake (or bludgeoned with a crowbar, as is Antifa’s preferred method).

An ordinary bigot may simply feel that his race or ethnicity tends to be superior to other races and ethnicities. That is a stupid and harmful view, to be sure, but it’s child’s play compared to the sort of bigotry Pressley has promoted. She wishes to erase the individual and live in a world consisting only of homogenous, amorphic “identities,” where every person is but a mere mouthpiece for an ethnic hive mind. It is a bigotry far more insidious and horrifying than the sort of bigotry she constantly (and often fallaciously) finds in the hearts of others.