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Connor Betts Dayton terrorist – Twitter account (loaded with left wing propaganda)

Twitter has been slow to scrub Connor Betts (the Dayton terrorist) account. It’s still there for the world the see, and no surprise, he’s a far left, AntiFA type radical. Connor Betts’ Twitter handle is Flowers for Atomsk @iamthespookster. He described himself as: he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back. Looks like the Democrats and media have blood on their hands over Connor Betts. Obviously, thanks to the gaslighting by the Democrats and the media, especially after the El Paso shooting, this satanic piece of shit went off and killed nine people including his sister.
(Update: looks like Dorsey and the Twitter censors have finally scrubbed his account. Too late though, tweets and screenshots are forever. Dorsey can’t wash the blood off his hands for this one).

Connor Betts Dayton terrorist – Twitter account (loaded with left wing propaganda)
Connor Betts Dayton terrorist - Twitter account (loaded with left wing propaganda)
Connor Betts Dayton terrorist - Twitter account (loaded with left wing propaganda)

Here are some of the tweets from Connor Betts still available at the time of this post:

Seems Connor Betts was also an Elizabeth Warren fanboy.