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Dumbass Biden: sorry about the tragedies in Houston and Michigan (mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton)

Creepy, sleepy Joe Biden is going senile. While talking about the mass shootings over the weekend, he sent out his condolences to the people of Houston and Michigan. Only problem is, the mass shootings happened in El Paso (hundreds of miles away from Houston and Michigan (not even the right state) regarding the Dayton, OHIO shooting.

Dumbass Biden: sorry about the tragedies in Houston and Michigan (mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton)
Dumbass Biden: sorry about the tragedies in Houston and Michigan (mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton)

Of course this never trended on Twitter or other social media. However, when Trump mistakenly referred to Dayton as “Toledo” that’s been the top trend all day on social media. At least Trump got the state right. Biden is going senile and unfit for office.

Frankly, there’s no excuse for either one to not know the city (or in Biden’s case state) where these mass shooting occurred over the weekend. But as you can see on left wing controlled social media and by so called “journalists”, misnaming a city is far worse than getting a city and state wrong. Double standards yo.