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Glendon Oakley – hero who saved children at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso

This man, Glendon Oakley is one of the true heros of El Paso. He is a private first class soldier stationed at Fort Bliss. Glendon Oakley helped children to safety inside Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso. He’s gotten some media attention, but needs a lot more for his heroic deeds. Oakley says that when the shots started, he wasn’t focused on himself or his surroundings … He was just focused on those kids. What a brace, courageous and all around awesome person Glendon Oakley is. America needs a lot more people like Glendon Oakley and less of the people trying to dividing us. Please make Glendon Oakley go viral. I don’t care if you use this post or some other social media or blog post. Country needs to hear more about this guy.

Glendon Oakley – hero who saved children at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso
Glendon Oakley - hero who saved children at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso