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Trey Gowdy: When it snows in hell, then I’ll apologize to Comey

So when the IG report came out about corrupt bastard James Comey violating several FBI rules and guidelines, corrupt James Comey was happy. Why? Because ball-less Bill Barr refuses to prosecute him. Comey then went out and demanded an apology from the American people who calling him out for being the corrupt bastard he really is. Former House member Trey Gowdy had the perfect response for Comey the Clown:

Trey Gowdy: When it snows in hell, then I’ll apologize to Comey
Trey Gowdy: When it snows in hell, then I'll apologize to Comey

>Gowdy said, “I’m certainly not going to apologize to anyone who violated FBI and Department of Justice policies, who violated an employment agreement, who shared sensitive information about an ongoing investigation, who sent classified information to an unauthorized person, and then had amnesia when the FBI came to his home to try to retrieve government property.”

When asked a second time if he plans on apologizing to Comey, Gowdy said, “What temperature is it in Hell right now? Is it snowing? When it snows in hell, you let me know.”

He added, “Why would I apologize to somebody who has been dinged on both of the major investigations by a guy like Michael Horowitz, who is hardly a Republican!”