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9/11 hijacker loophole of visa overstay still exists

Remember the nineteen Saudi nationals responsible for 9/11 and how they got into this country in the first place? They used the visa overstay loophole to stay beyond their their allowed limit. Those visa loopholes still exist 18 years later, and no one, including filthy Republicans are doing a thing about it. The 9/11 terrorists used tourist visas and three others obtaining business and student visas.

9/11 hijacker loophole of visa overstay still exists
9/11 hijacker loophole of visa overstay still exists

There are at least six million illegal aliens who arrived in the United States the same way seven of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist hijackers came to the country: by overstaying a visa.
All 19 terrorists from 9/11 — who murdered nearly 3,000 Americans and injured more than 6,000 others in 2001 — arrived in the U.S. legally, with 16 obtaining tourist visas and three others obtaining business and student visas.

In total, seven of the 19 terrorists overstayed their visas at some point either before the 9/11 attacks or at the time of the attacks and were supposed to be deported, but never were.

Those terrorists who overstayed their visas include:

Hani Hasan Hanjour from Saudi Arabia
Nawaf al-Hamzi from Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Atta from Egypt
Satam al-Suqami from Saudi Arabia
Waleed al-Shehri from Saudi Arabia
Marwan al-Shehhi from the United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al-Ghamdi from Saudi Arabia