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Briscoe Cain doxxed and family getting death threats after fake news about Beto life threat

Briscoe Cain was an unknown outside of Texas just a few days ago. Now, he’s national news and leftists are threatening him, his wife and kids. After fake Latino, real pendejo Robert Francis O’Rourke threatened to confiscate law abiding Americans’ guns, Briscoe Cain tweeted: My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.

Briscoe Cain doxxed and family getting death threats after fake news about Beto life threat
Briscoe Cain doxxed and family getting death threats after fake news about Beto life threat

Pendejo Robert Francis pretended as if that was a death threat (which it wasn’t) and now the left is targeting Cain and his family. They’ve already doxxed Cain, his business associates and threatened the life of his wife and kids. What Briscoe Cain meant with his “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis” is basically the motto “Come and take it”. No where in that tweet (scrubbed by the fascists at TWitter) is there any hint at a threat on Robert Francis O’Rourke’s life. But that of course doesn’t matter to Robert Francis or his allies in the corrupt media who pretended it was a death threat.

This hoax by Beto proves a few things.

1) The media is a nothing but propaganda trying to gaslight the public
2) Beto is a phony. He’s a hit and run drunk driver who shouldn’t be in any elected office
3) The left are the new Nazi brownshirts of the twenty first century.