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Bernie Sanders has stents to open heart blockage – good thing he didn’t have medicare for all huh?

Bernie Sanders is off the campaign trail until further notice. He suffered a heart artery blockage and had stents put in to fix the blockage. At his age, Bernie Sanders is at a real risk. Damn good thing for Comrade Sanders and corrupt wife Fat Jane that this country didn’t have Medicare for All isn’t it? Some reports claim that Sanders had open heart surgery, but that appears to be false. Imagine how long Comrade Sanders would have had to wait if there was socialized medicine with Medicare for All. Old fart got lucky.

Bernie Sanders has stents to open heart blockage – good thing he didn’t have medicare for all huh?
Bernie Sanders has stents to open heart blockage - good thing he didn't have medicare for all huh?

I don’t wish any harm on Sanders. I can’t stand the man, or his political ideology, but I’m not a progressive either. So hopefully Comrade Sanders recovers fully and has a long life in capitalist America.

Bernie Sanders has two things in his favor. One obviously is that we don’t have socialized medicine (yet). And two, he’s not a fetus that could have been aborted. Live long and prosper comrade.