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Fox News poll about impeachment inquiry includes 48% Democrats!

So the media is all giddy. A Fox News poll released yesterday found that 51% of those polled supported an impeachment inquiry against Trump. What those media hacks and the hacks at Fox News don’t tell you about this poll is that it not only oversample Democrats by 8 percentage points, but the poll that got the 51% support included a 48% to only 40% of Republicans. Nearly half the poll is a sample of Democrats, which helps Fox News and their neocon hacks get the narrative they want about a majority supporting impeachment inquiry. That leaves just 12% for independents which Fox News don’t even report on.

That Fox News poll about impeachment inquiry includes 48% Democrats 40% Republicans
That Fox News poll about impeachment inquiry includes 48% Democrats 40% Republicans

This is been a trend in Fox News polling since the network’s hard left turn. Every poll they have released since April of this year have constantly oversampled Democrats by a margin of 5-10%. In April, the polling was split 42/42. Ever since then, the thumb has been on the scale of Fox News polling for Democrats. Gee, I wonder why. To help shape the narrative of hacks like Shem Smith and weasel neocon Bret Baier?

Look at the numbers yourself.