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Probe of Russia hoax shifts to criminal inquiry – Comey, Clapper better lawyer up

A few days ago it was reported that John Durham may take his probe into the Democrat and media Russia hoax of 2016 was expanding. The question then was would Durham shift the probe into a criminal probe. Well, we have our answer, and it’s a resounding yes! You can run but you can’t hide you slimy, corrupt Democrats and media lackeys. Your time is coming, even if I have to grow old and gray before I see it. Why is the shift to a criminal probe significant? Because it now gives John Durham the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges.

Probe of Russia hoax shifts to criminal inquiry – Comey, Clapper lawyer up
Probe of Russia hoax shifts to criminal inquiry - Comey, Clapper lawyer up

The Democrats only distraction now is the Ukraine hoax. They wouldn’t be able to hide the corruption once the crimes are finally exposed. Tik-Tok mofos.