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Why CNN and their polls suck

There are so many reasons why CNN sucks. If it’s not the fake news, the propaganda spewed as “hard news” or hacks like Anderson Cooper, Fredo Cuomo, Don Lemon or Erin Burnett, they are nothing but negative against any Republican after eight years of kissing Obama’s ass. There’s a reason why they are known as the Clinton News Network, and that’s just one of the reasons why they suck so badly.

There is also their push polls they claim to be “legit” mathematically conducted polls. Yet, their push polls always result in being so far off, it’s as big of a joke as CNN’s ratings. Take for instance their poll of now gone Robert Francis O’Rourke. According to CNN polling a few months ago, Robert Francis O’Rourke had the highest numbers of ANY Democrat candidate running against Trump.

Why CNN and their polls suck
Why CNN and their polls suck

This is the same Robert Franccis O’Rourke who only one time achieved as high as 5% in Democrat nomination polling. And guess which “polling outfit” had O’Rourke at 5% once. None other than the kings of fake news CNN. O’Rourke ends his campaign with an average of 2% of the vote, yet he was the best Democrat candidate to beat Trump in a general election? This is CNN.