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Nervous Comey tweets out lie Fox and Friends booked him to appear

Comey is a bit more nervous than usual today. After Obama toady IG Horowitz tried his best to protect Comey from his obvious treason, John Durham, the man with the power to go after these treasonous clowns is hot on his case. After the pathetic Obama lackey Horowitz released his report claiming “no political motivation” in the various examples of FISA abuses, Durham came out with his own statement, lambasting Horowitz for his “no bias” BS. That means, there is a lot of trouble ahead for the treasonous bunch of cowards like Comey, Brennan, Clapper etc. It’s so bad in fact that treasonous Comey tweeted out a lie about being booked on Fox and Friends, then had the lie shoved right back in his face.

Nervous Comey tweets out lie Fox and Friends booked him to appear
Nervous Comey tweets out lie Fox and Friends booked him to appear

This is the lie that Comey tweeted out earlier:

Fox’s response was pure ownage.

Comey had to settle for little watched CNN instead.