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Socialist Democrat wishes cancer on Obama because he doesn’t support Medicare for All

Meet Democrat socialist Justin Lecea. Aren’t those socialist Democrats just such wonderful people? If you’ve followed this site at all you’ll know I think Obama was the worst president in American history. Yes, he was worse than Carter. But would I ever wish ill like cancer on Obama? Hell no. I’m not a progressive, I don’t think like that. That though hasn’t stopped a socialist Democrat running for congress in Texas from wishing Obama had cancer though. He’s also a BernieBOT. Of course, Sanders has no denounced this piece of trash.

Socialist Democrat wishes cancer on Obama because he doesn’t support Medicare for All
Socialist Democrat wishes cancer on Obama because he doesn't support Medicare for All

I wouldn’t even wish cancer or ill on fat pig Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiff. These people are really sick in the head. It’s just politics, it’s not a fricken war. This is the future of the Democrat party. Don’t cross them or they’ll wish cancer on you.