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Fox leftist witch Leslie Marshall – Democrats impeaching Trump because they are patriots or something

Fox News is basically unwatchable these days. If it’s not Juan Williams, it’s Chris Wallace. If it’s not Chris Wallace, it’s Donna Brazile. If it’s not Donna Brazile it’s Leslie Marshall. Now, this leftist witch Marshall is claiming that Democrats are going on with their sham impeachment for political reasons. No, instead they are doing because they are “patriots” or something.

Fox leftist witch Leslie Marshall – Democrats impeaching Trump because they are patriots or something
Fox leftist witch Leslie Marshall - Democrats impeaching Trump because they are patriots or something

But House Democrats are moving forward on impeachment not because of politics but because they feel duty-bound to be true to their oath of office. An oath in which they “solemnly swear” to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

I don’t just say this because I’m a Democrat. I say it as an American committed to the principle that no one – not even the president of the United States – is above the law. I would take this same position if a Democratic president had taken the same actions as Republican Trump.

Someday – and I hope I’m wrong about this – a Democratic president may be guilty of grievous misconduct. Republicans are setting a dangerous precedent by saying they will not support impeaching and removing Trump from office – no matter what. This will encourage Democrats to do the same thing if impeachment threatens a president of my party.

The American Revolution was fought so we would not be ruled by a king untouchable under the law. Republican defenders of Trump seem intent on crowning him King Donald.