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The two-tiered ‘Justice’ system in America

After it was announced earlier today that corrupt bastard Andrew McCabe wouldn’t face any charges from the ball-less DOJ, all it did was solidify what most of us already knew. Despite all the evidence from the Horowitz IG report, and all the text messages, corrupt bastard McCabe gets off scott-free and will likely get a payrise from CNN because of it. Then he’ll probably write a book about how he was “persecuted” by the Trump “justice” department.

As Bill Barr continues to prove, he is really no different than MR. Magoo Jeff Sessions. Bill Barr is nothing more than yet another Deep State Bush hack who some people thought would be different. Guess what folks, he isn’t. Let’s take a look at the two-tiered “justice” system in this country. It’s demonstrated perfectly in a tweet by Jack Posobiec.

The two-tiered ‘Justice’ system in America
The two-tiered 'Justice' system in America

You get it now? If you are a Republican and have dared support Trump at one time or another, you get sentenced to prison, with excessives charges and time. If you are a corrupt, deep state Democrat, you get off without so much as a slap on the wrist. If you have ties to the Clinton Crime Family like McCabe and Podesta, you get even better treatment.