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George Bush foundation sent 2 million masks to China, during shortages this country.

You want to know why we get everything from China, including our pharmaceuticals? Look no further than the last few presidents we had. I’n not just talking about Obama either. Go back to both corrupt Bush bastards and of course rapist Bill Clinton. They sold this country out to China. Now it’s been revealed that the George H.W. Bush foundation teamed up with National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and the U.S.-China Business Council to ship the communist country 2 million masks, with significant donations from Chubb and Walmart. The masks from the George H.W. Bush foundation were shipped free of charge by FedEx. Really nice isn’t it?

George Bush foundation sent 2 million masks to China, during shortages this country.
George Bush foundation sent 2 million masks to China, during shortages this country.

This is the Linkedin post by the National Committee on US China relations around a month or so ago:

This is very infuriating. But not surprising. This is the globalist Bush Crime Family in a nut shell.