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Paula Reid, CBS hack gets owned by Dr. Fauci

It’s no secret I’m not a fan of Dr. Fauci. But I hate the media far more and today Paula Reid, a CBS uber-hack got owned and destroyed by Fauci when she questioned Fauci if his comments were his own, or if he was put up to making them (by Trump). This was awesome, and to me quite shocking because Fauci is usually sucking up to the these same media hacks like Paula Reid.

Paula Reid, CBS hack gets owned by Dr. Fauci
Paula Reid, CBS hack gets owned by Dr. Fauci

Check out the look Reid hack got from Fauci after he destroyed her joke of a question.

This is getting beyond ridiculous with these left wing media hacks. CBS is quickly trying to out do NBC and ABC to be the CNN or broadcast TV. I’m getting really tired of these Democrat media clown shows. Reid should be fired for such disgusting behavior, but she’ll probably get a raise from CBS. Screw the media.