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Weasel Fauci will not be fired according to Trump Deputy Press Secretary

Yesterday, Donald Trump retweet a tweet of a former congressional candidate with the #fireFauci hashtag arousing speculation that he may be tiring of the little weasel Anthony Fauci and his shivs in the back. I guess now, as Trump announce Fauci will not be fired after all. I guess this will make the media quite happy.

Weasel Fauci will not be fired according to Trump
Weasel Fauci will not be fired according to Trump

Of course, at this point I can’t really blame Trump. Imagine the media firestorm and fake news crap that would be spewed by the communist Democrat media if he did fire Fauci during the coronavirus pandemic. Probably not even worth it at this point. There will be plenty of time for revenege after this Chinese virus peters out.