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Gretchen Whitmer wears Planned Parenthood Makes America Great hat

Just how pathetic and unoriginal are Democrats? Hags like the Marxist lackey in Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer is trying to copy Trump MAGA hats, using it to pimp abortion mill Planned Parenthood. Whitmer apparently is fond not only of Marxist tyranny over the people in her state, but also wearing hats reading Planned Parenthood Makes America Great. This is basically stealing the design and logo of Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan. How unoriginal and disgusting. I guess that’s why abortion mills in Michigan were deemed “essential business” and not shut down during the communist Democrat’s lockdown of the state.

Gretchen Whitmer wears Planned Parenthood Makes America Great hat
Gretchen Whitmer wears Planned Parenthood Makes America Great hat

The fasco-communist Democrats are truly the spawn of satan.