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David Whelan is the man who filed police report against Fredo Chris Cuomo

The roid rage is strong with Fredo Chris Cuomo. David Whelan, the man called “fat, tire biker” by Fredo is the one who filed the police report against roid rager Fredo Chris Cuomo. Turns out David Whelan isn’t fat at all. I guess anyone who isn’t on the juice is just considered fat by Fredo. Here is an interview with David Whelan who exposed Cuomo breaking quarantine on Easter Sunday, even despite his phony emerging from the basement moment on little watched CNN.

David Whelan is the man who filed police report against Fredo Chris Cuomo
David Whelan is the man who filed police report against Fredo Chris Cuomo

According to Mr. Whelan, it turns out that neither Fredo Chris Cuomo, or anyone else with him (including his wife) were wearing masks. He violated his own brother governor’s quarantine and non-essential travel orders and basically tells the man I can do what I want. No wonder Fredo’s wife is such a nut job. All those roids really shrunk Fredo’s balls.

Good for Mr. Whelan for exposing Cuomo for not only breaking the quarantine, but bragging about it, possibility spreading it to the “fat tire biker” and with NO MASK!