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Pennsylvania over-hyped and over-counted COVID-19 deaths in state, removes 200

We already knew that states were padding their “death totals” of COVID-19. Corrupt Dr. Birx already admitted that anyone with coronavirus who dies of something else would considered a death by coronavirus. Pennsylvania is an especially embarrassing state that has had to change their numbers numerous times over the past few weeks because of over-hyping and over-counting death totals from coronavirus. Seems with their corrupt left wing communist Democrat governor, they had to remove 200 from the ‘death total’ because they started to include “probable deaths” in its fatalities. The so called “probable death” by COVID-19 included people who died without ever having the virus in the first place. If you think this is limited to Pennsylvania then you might qualify for a job with CNN or some other third rate media hack organization.

Pennsylvania over-hyped and over-counted COVID-19 deaths in state, removes 200
Pennsylvania over-hyped and over-counted COVID-19 deaths in state, removes 200

Pennsylvania has corrected its coronavirus data multiple times over the past week to account for irregularities, according to new reports.

Earlier this week, Pennsylvania started to include “probable deaths” in its fatalities. As a result, the total number of coronavirus deaths grew by 276, then 360, in successive nights, almost doubling the number of deaths in the state in two days. The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) subsequently removed 200 deaths from its count after facing mounting questions about the accuracy of the count.

Health Secretary Rachel Levine spoke to the Philadelphia Inquirer about the initial decision to include probable deaths, as well as the decision to later remove those from the count.

A “probable death” is one that a doctor believes is caused by COVID-19, even though the patient is never tested for the virus.