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RINO Lindsey Graham defends Biden on Hannity – ENOUGH!

With now a total of nine woman now accusing Biden of sexual harassment, and at least Tara Reade accusing him of rape, Lindsey Graham, the big talker, no action McCain RINO is defending his warmongering pal Joe Biden and Hannity, as usual let’s him get away with it. To phony Lindsey Graham, he could never see Joe Biden doing the things he’s accused of by nine women. Despite all the video evidence otherwise, Lindsey Graham continues to shill for Biden.

RINO Lindsey Graham defends Biden on Hannity – ENOUGH!
RINO Lindsey Graham defends Biden on Hannity - ENOUGH!

Enough of these spineless Republican cowards and enough of Vanity Hannity aloowing Lindsey Graham to spew his pro Biden crap without even being challenged. Hannity once again shows he’s nothing more than a Bushie Republican.