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Newsom’s brownshirts: African American woman in San Diego arrested while…. walking her dog near the beach

This seems to be a trend developing in left wing Democrat crapholes like New York and now California. An African American was arrested, thrown the ground twice by police while walking her dog near a San Diego beach. The woman was dragged to the ground twice, once on the sand, once an asphalt as brownshirt San Diego police handcuffed her. There’s even a video. Police claim the woman was intoxicated.

Newsom’s brownshirts: African American woman in San Diego arrest while…. walking her dog near the beach
Newsom's brownshirts: African American woman in San Diego arrest while.... walking her dog near the beach

It used to be when white cops would treat an African American like this, it would be breaking national news with 24/7 coverage to cause riots. Now, they only local media that seems to be reporting on this story is the local San Diego fishwrap the Union Tribune. Nothing on the various dinosaur networks or Fox in San Diego.

The San Diego Police’s official Twitter account hasn’t commented on this arrested at the time of this post.
The cops are nothing but brownshirts for Democrat tyrants like Newsom in San Diego, or Cuomo in New York. This crap better change.