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AntiFA to be designated a terrorist organization

I don’t know what the hell took so long, but Trump is finally ready to designated AntiFA a terrorist organizations. AntiFA, likely funded by Soros, is basically a remake of the Occupy Wall Street left wing thugs from early in Obama’s first term. AntiFA is responsible for the vast majority of violence, looting and arson seen all over the country the past several days. AntiFA is a left wing terrorist organization, let’s send them to Gitmo! Let them live with Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

AntiFA to be designated a terrorist organization
AntiFA to be designated a terrorist organization

AntiFA has largely been protected by the media, and brands themselves Anti Fascist. They are far from anti-fascist, as they are fascists and communists themselves. You have a different ideology than AntiFA left wing terrorists? They attack you. Sounds fascist to me.