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Gun sales hit record level in May, continue to spike in June with riots and looting

As people of color continue to be killed by left wing extremist terrorist looters and rioters, gun sales are on the way up. May saw a record level for gun sales for the month, among the coronavirus pandemic and the rioting towards the end of the month. In liberal Los Angeles, gun stores are packed to the brim over the last few days with people loading up on firearms and ammo. This is exactly why the fascist-communist Democrats want to take your legal guns away, for moments like this.

Gun sales hit record level in May, continue to spike in June with riots and looting
Gun sales hit record level in May, continue to spike in June with riots and looting

Gun shops in the Los Angeles area attributed a rise in sales first to the coronavirus and now to recent looting and protests.

The owner of LAX Range and Ammo in Inglewood says customers have been stocking up on firearms and ammunition.

He says he has also seen more people practicing now that outdoor ranges are back open.

He expects guns and ammunition to be in short supply through the end of the year and reminds everyone there is a state mandated 11-day waiting period.

“Online our website had a three time increase last night. We were already at two, three times more than the average in sales in general. It was way more than that when the whole coronavirus first started, but now it keeps getting to another level,” said owner Daniel Kash.